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Test description

This test focuses on the study of different variants of the human genome that influence the body's response to nutrients, and increase or decrease the risk of presenting diseases related to nutrition (Nutrigenomics). The fundamental objective of nutritional genomics is to understand how diet and nutrients affect the functioning of the genome and how genetic variation affects the individual's response to food.

The regulation of energy intake is a vitally important process in the body, since it makes it possible to maintain the balance between the amount of energy that is stored in the form of fat in the body and the use of it. Knowing the genetic profile of a person, it is possible to adapt their habits to maintain this balance at an optimal point.

Report contents

The report that the final client receives after the analysis of his sample contains:

  • Interpretation of the genetic results obtained in the analyzed sample
  • Descriptions of the different pathologies or conditions studied
  • Recommendations focused on maintaining optimal health based on the obtained results
  • Table with more than 700 foods with a recommendation of consumption for each of them based on the genetic results
Who is it for

This test is targeted at:

  • People who wish to adopt adequate nutritional habits, adapted to their genetics
  • Endocrinologists
  • Nutrition clinics
  • Aesthetic medicine clinics
What do we analyze

We analyze different genetic variants, which are selected based on the information gathered from various scientific publications and meta-analysis, related to:

  • Food intolerances (gluten and lactose)
  • Metabolism of:
    • Lipids
    • Carbohydrates
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
    • Antioxidant substances, caffeine and alcohol
  • Practice of physical exercise and weight control
  • Food behavior:
    • Appetite
    • Satiety
    • Predilection for certain foods

The results obtained in this genetic analysis are useful for certain professionals (medicine, nutrition, sports...) to help adjust certain lifestyle habits. This can improve health or help achieve certain objectives:

  • Adoption of healthy eating habits, using the nutrigenetic advice tables present in the results report, in order to maintain or improve body weight and health.
  • Adequacy of physical activity to control body weight and maintain an active life that prevents certain pathologies.